To successfully start, operate and grow a small business, many Owners/CEOs rely on an education from the School of Hard Knocks. Two steps forward. One step back. Trial and error, over and over. These are smart, hardworking people who eventually figure it out. But, there is a more efficient way.
How many years could you save in your development and the growth of your people and company if you and your management team understood the dynamics of a growing small business? What if you all had a specific language to talk about it with? What if you could identify and anticipate the challenges you will face in the near future? How much would it be worth to increase your gross margin? How much hiring pain could you avoid by knowing the right skill sets to hire and when? What if you developed a team around you that was focused, aligned and engaged in addressing the right issues, at the right time, right from the start?
Eure Consulting’s Stages of Growth X-Ray™ Process does all of these things and more. You didn’t go to school to be a CEO. Now that you are, get the education you need.
Brad recently hosted a webinar talking about navigating the seven Stages of Growth and how to face some of the common challenges associated with that growth. You can listen to the recording here: Navigating Growth Webinar
If you are interested in learning more about our Stages of Growth X-Ray™ Process, feel free to contact us at any time, or consult the informational PDFs below.
The 7 Stages of Growth is based on research by James Fischer. The Stages of Growth X-Ray™ is a licensed program through FlashPoint! LLC.