Annual Reviews

Stop Holding Annual Reviews

Annual performance reviews. Everyone’s least-favorite time of year. Whether you do this burdensome task at the end of the calendar year, or the fiscal year, or if you wait till each employee’s anniversary date, you know they’re coming and you dread their arrival. Not only are formal performance reviews time-consuming and disruptive to your normal … Continue Reading

Fear of Hiring

A Made Up Word, But a Real Fear

Every manager has, at some point, worked with an employee who was not cutting it. They were not a good match for their role which led to poor performance. And every manager has let those employees slide, at least for a while. Why is it that even though problem employees are easily identified, action to … Continue Reading

Management Training

What Your Dogs Can Teach You About Management

People often joke when a newlywed couple gets a puppy that they’re just practicing for when they have children. And they’re right, because dogs are great “training wheels” for becoming a parent. But they can also be great training wheels for becoming a manager. Your pooch can teach you a lot about management. Here’s an … Continue Reading

Team Alignment

How Aligned is Your Team?

The real obstacles to a company’s growth are often hard to identify. They are frequently issues that affect multiple areas of the company. They may look like seemingly simple issues at first. But once you’ve solved the superficial problems, there’s still no relief. That’s because you didn’t get to the heart of the underlying issue. … Continue Reading

Difficult Conversations Managers

7 Reasons Your Managers Aren’t Having Tough Conversations

Have you noticed that your managers are reluctant to have those tough, but necessary, conversations with their employees? When those conversations are had, do they tend not to be as direct as they could be? Do the employees not hear what was intended? Do managers simply “Hint and Hope” that their employees will eventually get … Continue Reading

Succession Planning

Successful Succession

When I start thinking about succession planning and the future leaders of the business world, a familiar Shakespearean quote comes to mind: “Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness and others have greatness thrust upon them.” Wouldn’t the easiest way to help our future leaders “be not afraid of greatness”, be … Continue Reading

Annual Reviews

Never Fear, Annual Performance Reviews are Here!

Most managers dread holding annual reviews with their employees. It’s a stressful time for both parties. But it doesn’t have to be. If, for instance, you had been holding monthly one-on-one meetings with your direct reports (which you should be), the annual review becomes much easier. With 11 months of recorded data on their performance, strengths, … Continue Reading

GROW Model

Innovative Problem Solving with the GROW Model

As a leader it is extremely important not only for you to be able to quickly and efficiently move past major obstacles, but to help others move past them as well. The GROW Model, as developed by Alan Fine, provides a simple framework for doing both. Here we’ll look at how to use it in a coaching situation. … Continue Reading