Meeting cadence

Hold More Effective Meetings

This month we’re discussing the PSE Method’s Meeting Cadence, which is a major component of the accountability structure of the PSE Method. The cadence keeps you and your staff on task and on track in 90 day increments. You’ll be checking in on a weekly basis to make sure that things are moving forward and … Continue Reading

PSE Method People Strategy Execution

Getting to Know PSE Day 3

Last month we talked about PSE Day 2 which introduced the Strategy and People legs of our three-legged People-Strategy-Execution stool. This month we’re going to dive into PSE Day 3, which continues that focus. We’ll start with a review and discussion of PSE Day 1 and Day 2 work. We’ll review each tool and answer … Continue Reading

successful business system

Introducing the PSE Method

Starting this month our blog will be focusing on introducing our newest program, the PSE Method. The PSE (People, Strategy, Execution) Method is a proven system and structure that helps companies run in a more profitable and predictable way. It exists to help you and your company run more effectively and to remove you from … Continue Reading

Profit Zone

10 Benefits of the Profit Zone Program

I’ve introduced our new Profit Zone Program to you over the past couple of blogs. It is a program designed to help everyone in your organization better understand the financial workings of your company. After going through the program everyone will be financially literate. And each employee will know how their role impacts the company’s … Continue Reading