Intentional Growth

Growth – Get It Out of Your Own Head

It can be lonely at the top. Most CEOs talk to themselves more than anyone else. Thinking through new ideas, planning growth and envisioning the future. You as the CEO may have a perfect vision of where you’re taking the company. So what’s the problem? You haven’t told anyone else.

You would probably be shocked at the answers if you stopped to ask your employees where the company is going and why you’ve chosen to grow in a certain way. It seems like common sense to you, but you’ve been mulling it over for years. They haven’t had the advantage of being inside your head.

Not only is it important for everyone to understand your growth plans for transparency’s sake, it also makes a big difference in the enthusiasm shown for that growth. If the rest of your company doesn’t know what the path to growth looks like, and why that growth is important, they will be reluctant to come along. Growth brings change and change brings discomfort, unless you take the time to explain your intent behind growing and the why of that growth, employees will drag their feet. Make sure that you share a clear vision. Take the time to explain your plans to your company and they’ll be ready to jump on board and help push the company to new heights.

Unfortunately, telling people just once is not enough. On average, a person has to hear something seven times before it really starts to sink in. You’ll get tired of hearing yourself say the same things over and over again, but you have to build in the repetition. Enlist your managers to help spread the message as well and it will help it take hold even quicker. Just make sure that everyone is spreading the same message. An inconsistent message, especially when said seven times in seven different ways, will only cause more confusion.

If you’d like to be more intentional about your company’s growth, we can send you a workbook that addresses the most pressing issues a company of your size faces. Just register here to let us know the size of your company.

Eure Consulting